Monday, June 13, 2016


June 7 & 8, 2016
A visit to the Heritage Park Village gave us a good background about the history of the area.  A young college student, Madaline, gave a personalize tour of the original and reconstructed buildings representing the living and business accommodations during that period.  We joked with her that a lot of the antiques look much more familiar to us than to her.

Another day trip took us to the Nisga’a Memorial Lava Beds Provincial Park.  These lava beds resulted from an eruption only about 200 years ago.  It killed about 2000 native people, wiped out many villages, and changed the course of the river.  It was interesting to us, that there are already lichen and flowers growing on the lava beds.  At Craters of the Moon National Monument in Idaho, it took thousands of years for anything to start growing, due to the drier climate. 

A very interesting museum displayed artifacts from the First Nation culture of the area.  Totems, masks, robes, and tools were recovered from archeological digs.  We have found that the best way to enjoy these points of interest is to join or ask for a tour.  The guides can provide so much more information and anecdotes that printed plaques.  

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