Wednesday, July 27, 2016


July 25, 2016

Driving down to Seward was uneventful.  We keep watching the roadside for moose, but they don’t seem to want to show themselves.  Seward was kind of crowded, there was a cruise ship in, and the pink salmon were running, so we didn’t stay long.  There was still plenty of beautiful scenery, though.
The purple flowers are Fireweed.  It covers the roadsides and hills with brilliant purple color, some of the plants are 6 feet high. 


A little goldrush era boom town, that is now a tourist stop and fishing area.  We stopped at a quaint little museum that had lots of gold mining relics complete with recorded stories of the old miners.  Some of the cabins dating back to that era are still lived in.

Gold mining tools

Quonset Hut from WW2, several of these are still being used throughout AK

Circa 1890's

1 comment:

  1. I've heard that about moose-very elusive, unless you're on the lake in a tippy canoe & venture too near. Did you get any pinks, or are you glutted w/ salmon by now? Related to Glacier question - why is the sky Carolina Blue?
