Wednesday, July 27, 2016


Well, my computer is slowing down to a crawl, and WI-FI is hard to find and pretty slow also.  I you are enjoying this blog, please give me some feedback, so I know it is all worth it.

June 17 - 24, 2016

This week we drove south out of Anchorage, on the Seward Highway along Turnagain Arm.  Turnagain Arm, is an inlet or bay, with more beautiful scenery.  The story goes that it was named by Captain Cook, because he sailed up it but he had to turn around – again.

  We had stopped at a picnic area a couple of days ago, and as we passed that way again, there were helicopters scooping water out of the Arm, to put out a forest fire in that same picnic area.  No, we didn’t start it, the report was that it was started by lightning.  Later, we learned that because of the lack of rain, strong winds,  and difficult access that the area encompassed several hundred acres.  


Next stop was Whittier, which can only be accessed by a tunnel through the mountain.  This tunnel is one lane and shared with a train!  Traffic is allowed through every half hour:  to Whittier on the half hour and from Whittier on the hour, while the train takes its turn several times a day in between.  Quite a system!   

While in Whittier, we took a boat cruise to see glaciers up close.  They had a National Forest Ranger on board, who explained about the region and how glaciers are formed.  Do you know why glacier ice is such a beautiful blue?  If you add a comment, I will tell you. 

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